Sunday, March 7, 2010

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain

I like watching the puddles gather rain
No rain - Blind Melon

I do love lovely, sunny days but rainy days can be just as wonderful. Rainy weekends are great for cuddling up on the couch and watching movies, reading or playing board games.

It has been raining here non stop practically for over a week.
really is a beautiful place to live. One of the problems living here however can be going from one extreme weather condition to the next. Some parts of our wonderful land can go through drought conditions for many years and then in the space of a few rainy days be flooded. We are a dry country so water and rain are mostly always welcome.

Unfortunately, there are some towns through Australia 
who have had these extremes happen and most of their towns have gone under water. My heart goes out to these people and I will be giving many thoughts and prayers to a speedy recovery for their homes and lives.

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